RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Friday, September 25

Friday Love/Hate

I love chickens starting to lay some eggs. Both leghorns are kicking it daily now, and the americauna one drops one every now and then. Two of my reds are sniffing around the boxes like mad, and something, probably one of the reds, laid a shell-less egg the other day, which freaked me out and looked like some alien nonsense that I immediately through into the edge of the woods like we used to do with strangely born things back before we got so goddamned civilized. It makes me want to get more little ones, like the black stars they have over in Fork Union at Chicken World, but I need to wait till I get my stupid guineas situated on the other side of the compound, away from the chickens, so they don't tear shit up like the were. Man, as dumb as people explain guineas to be, they are like ten times stupider than you could even imagine.

I hate the haze right now. Trying to clear it up, but the grass has grown thick around the edges of my mind frame's membranes, and it's gonna take more than a one hour hike through the woods to get my spiritual spinal cord realigned. Less clutter would probably help, but shit, the electronic clutter in the clear air is pretty high right now, I'm amazed anybody can get it together. But my clarity is certainly not the clearest it's ever been.

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