RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Wednesday, May 9

MNZ: Wrestling Observer April 16, 2007

If Meltzer split his newsletter into two separate things, one where he did all the backstage gossip talk and results, and the other where he just took one thing each week (dead wrestler, big merger, paralyzed indie dude) and did his trademark non-spellchecked long-winded in-depth recap of the thing, I’d totally subscribe to that second one, and wouldn’t be cluttered with all that other bullshit. I’ve come to the conclusion that wrestling is totally stupid now, because even when I’m like, “Oh, this shit might be good,” it never is now. The personal struggle I now have to deal with is was it always gay or has it gotten gayer, because if it always was then maybe I’m secretly gay so that I don’t know it. Or if it’s gotten gay, how long has it been getting gay? Was I contaminated with gayness in my childlike enthusiasm for something I used to like a lot, so as to leave myself vulnerable to its nefarious influences? I guess if I ever start masturbating to Ring of Honor, I’ll know the answer.

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