RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Monday, August 11

Homemade Song of the Week: "Heart of Soul"

I would bet last week when I did a Prolo song first, PSY/OPS got all emo for a split second. He's the dude I mostly do music with, as Solaris Earth Pipeline, which is a stupid fucking name, but we made it up on the spot one night early on and are sort of stuck with it like some stupid slut's name tatted on your forearm sewing needle style. I can't afford laser surgery, so we are Solaris Earth Pipeline.
"Heart of Soul" is a very simple beat, reworking (or basically looping and spicing up) a Neil Young song. But it was one of the first (maybe even the first) beats PSY/OPS did once he started making beats for no real reason whatsoever. He called me over, and being I hadn't really done shit but maybe twice a year with Brown, I sat down and wrote that song at his house and we recorded it the first night, one take, just like that. It has circulated amongst some internerd circles and people have found the bent of it goofy (proud rural whiteboy/5 percenter mash-up philosophies can be highly mockable inside the internets), but it gave birth to us a duo making music, because that first time went so smoothly and easily. Now, he hardly hooks up beats because it's so fucking gay and I have nothing to write because I've already written everything in my head. I think we're gonna start doing concept albums based on independent movies from the early '90s though.
So here is "Heart of Soul" by Solaris Earth Pipeline, off our first self-released CD At War With Robots.

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