RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Friday, October 24

Friday Love/Hate

I love sitting in the local pizza joint the other night with my fam and the guy contending for Congress was in town, hobnobbing and gladhanding it. My wife made him hold the baby, and I told him how I was anti-Republican and anti-Democrat, but liked what he had to say, so much so I might even vote for him. I told him I hoped he won, but more importantly if he did win, I hoped he'd maintain his focus once he went to the cesspool of D.C. He was clearly taken aback, but held himself together. I told him I was from southside, and he said, "Yeah, they all feel like both parties have betrayed them," basically reciting CNN reports about the Montana Freemen. It was great, and something he probably needed after just having some of my daughter's 10-year-old friends tell him how much he rocked. What the fuck is wrong with kids, thinking a politician rocks? My daughter was tripping on her friends doing that. She was all like, "I thought they were gonna ask for his autograph or something."

I hate the fact the majority of human beings either brainwash their fucking children to think like them or leave them to themselves to be half-feral. I teach my kids to think for their own asses on affairs. I guess if I had to choose, I'd rather children be half-feral than act like they know what the fuck is going on. I guess that means I should vote for McCain, but I can't vote, because this is Virginia and I'm a felon. I hate that too.

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