RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Friday, November 7

Homemade Song of the Week: "The Good Life" by S.E.P.

Earlier this year, my grandfather died. It had been coming and I knew it was gonna happen this one weekend, and it did. My moms called me and I rode down, before the funeral people had even gotten there. He was all dead and laying in the bed in his front room, and my mom and uncle and crazy grandmother were there, and we took care of thangs. Funeral people came and carted off grandpa, and I volunteered to stay the night with grandma, who usually slept in the reclining chair in the living room watching TV. I sat with her till she fell asleep while we were watching Rambo. Then I went into the front room where my grandpa died and watched Flavor of Love, which worried me because what if his ghost was floating around. He'd never approve of some shit like watching Flavor of Love. Eventually, I just went to bed, but in the next room on a lump of a mattress, because I was not sleeping in the bed my grandpa had just died in and shit. Anyways, before Rambo, me and my crazy grandma watched an episode of Little House on the Prairie, and the long talking sample at the end of this song was in that episode. I loved it right away, and knew the foreign singing dude's son was the same kid who played Tony in Escape from Witch Mountain, so I imdb'd that shit to find the right season and episode of Little House, got it from Netflix, and ganked the sample. I also wrote the lyrics the next day, most of which sitting on my dead grandpa's front porch, which is why it has that "my granddaddy used to have me sitting on the front porch..." part. Because he did when I lived in a trailer park in Farmville. I'd go kick it with him on the porch and he started telling me all these crazy things about being a wild assed young man, wrecking cars in Jersey where he grew up with Polish immigrant parents. Living with drunk Indians in Oregon for a while, digging irrigation ditches on some government project. Crazy times galore in Chicago after World War II. My mom said she had never heard a lot of that shit, so it was fun to hear. Anyways, PSY/OPS didn't love this song as much as me, and I think you can tell because the vocals don't sound as crispily mixed as the rest of 45s on 33, although to be fair, I loathe the sound of my own voice so it's hard to say if I know what I'm talking about on that affair. But this was one of my favorite songs we've ever had, just for the lyrics and shit.

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