RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Saturday, October 31

distant agri-bizness rents
out ev'ry vacant pasture,
plants their robotic slave corn

Friday, October 30

t-shirts stencils and speaker
wire - Tesla experiments
in psychic levels of lounge
wild medicine hovering
overhead - I choose flowers
to pick by the bee patterns

Thursday, October 29

sometimes ramblers get flat tires,
recharge themselves for three years
splitting cheap rent with crazed chick

Wednesday, October 28

reflective equality
sign by hobosexual
jungle, it makes me wonder


#1: all I got's stories/but don't nobody got fucks/to give about those
#2: we went from oral/to written to emoji/mechanizing self
#3: weaponizing self/to attack inwardly like/wolf turned inside out
#4: "data is freedom"/Daze of Tha Analytixxx/ppl iz 2nd
#5: ppl iz all wayz/second (at least to the first)/(upper echelon)
#6: crushed beneath abstract/stones of pyramid long cons/fogged finish to "mine"d
#7: actions bear no fruit -/infertile philosophies/salt my consciousness
#8: devilz & dirtgodz -/tha former makes monies, tha/latter makes messes
#9: masters make monies;/lessers take lessons in how/to better behave
#10: all I got is wordz -/scatter them in barren plots/of psychic gridlock
coast-to-coast fences blocking
ev'ryone from polluting
our exceptional freedoms

Tuesday, October 27

buddha tagging toy scripture
across visible earthly
face, plus deep inside its caves

Monday, October 26

literary ashes full
of wasted potential plus
so many false promises
simple happiness missing
in my household many days - 
too much drama, little peace

Sunday, October 25

four thousand years blurred vision
dashing down asphalt back roads,
not fearing forest monsters

Saturday, October 24

thrift store toenail polish, chipped
away little by little,
as half-wild child’s feet wander
red highlights on naked tree,
like sky candles being lit
to create wild ambiance

Friday, October 23

once stole a wooden boxcar,
drove it wrong way through space-time
continuum, while drinking

Thursday, October 22

one nation-state's pirate is
just a freedman recognized
only by wide open space
busting out antique oil lamps,
sitting in hundred-year-old
farmhouse, letting madness pass

Wednesday, October 21

bird tribe compound creation
called El Hijo del Junior
Samples - he guards my chickens
post-modern life is full of
false detours - roscoe coltrane
type shit but way more complex

Tuesday, October 20

colombian barista
at work calls me "el barbo
del chivo", then starts cackling
plastic adirondacks stacked
in pastel packs, awaiting
more fat asses relaxing

Monday, October 19

small town Dollar Generals
where private battles against
poverty are fought simply
home is where the heart fattens,
and hopefully you're allowed
to spend your last days there, too

Sunday, October 18

faded memories of fogged
vision forearm punching walls;
most of my knuckles flattened
tar truck left for road paving
crew at end of logging trail
where I hunt and gather quartz

Saturday, October 17

Friday, October 16


#1: stVdy1ng 4nc13nt/t3xtz wr1tt3n 1n l4ngV4g3z/m1nd d0n’t Vnd3rst4nd
#2: h34rt r3c0gn1z3 h34rt/h4t3rz g0nn4 h4t3 f0r r34l/bVt h34rt r3m41nz trVth
#3: 3t3rn4l j1h4d/w1th1n strVggl1ng h34rt sl0w-c00k3d/fr0m m0nk3yh34d b1rth
#4: sh4rd g30m3try/4tt3mptz m0s41c fr4ct4lz/w1th w4ck-4zz 4ngl1sh
#5: c4n’t r34d 0wn wr1t1ng/m0stly b3c4Vs3 d0n’t 3v3n/“0wn” 1t - jVst sh1tst0rm
#6: 1 r3m41n n0th1ng/m0r3 th4n d4t4 t0 d3v1lz - /d4t4 1z fr33d0m
#7: cr0wz c4w “1nsh4ll4h” - /4rm-l3g w1ll1ng 4rm-l3g-h34d/w1ll1ng, 1nsh4ll4h
#8: b3z3lz 0f w1sd0m/bVr13d w1th1n pl4n3t r0ckz/qu4rtz wh1t3 tr4sh l1k3 m3
#9: hVm4nz 4r3 w34kn3ss/w4ckn3ss 0f 3g0 d3s1r3z/p0llVt1ng 4ll 4ctz
#10: stVdy1ng 4nc13nt/t3xtz wr1tt3n by my 0wn h4ndz/wh1ch “1” n3v3r 0wn3d
"so then I was trying to
pull the pit bull off Pete's arm,
while we both were still tripping”
water drips from where woodstove
works strongest, collecting as
farmhouse corner icicle

Thursday, October 15

no telephone pole ever
got dig-dugged deep enough to
stick into in real life clouds
an abandoned garage where
Latinos live, accents of
Miami Dolphins colors

Wednesday, October 14

Tuesday, October 13

Monday, October 12

vine sinew learns intertwined
strength not from education
but from wild inclination
suicide king rolled into
blunt shape stuffed into random
shard of glass bottle - perfect

Sunday, October 11

Saturday, October 10

no vacancy sign not lit
so I stopped; no one inside
so I left two bodies there
"can we go play in that field"
asked the child; "no, we can't"
said mom, “we’re fucking mushrooms”

Friday, October 9

psychic remnants of past lives
layering internal space
of small town building thickly
absent minded, following
heart with blind eyes pointed at
universal magnetics

Thursday, October 8

roadside fireworks exciting
in theory, mostly tamed by
liability-based laws
vines intertwining much like
intestines twisting inside
with microscopic knowledge

Wednesday, October 7

storm clouds steamrolling in from
far horizon like dark sheet
concealing nature’s anger
use of raw fabric fading
as imported newness gets
too cheap to care otherwise

Tuesday, October 6

digital disturbances
will one day be memories
as we migrate under trees
GPS coordinates
of right finder up until
crossing left finger gone right

Monday, October 5

I'm not from bloodlines which are
able to keep vehicles
clean as hell for five decades
the assholes will always win
in the end - the system was
designed for their protection

Sunday, October 4

cinderblock building lessons
often discriminated
against by gentrified types