Haha, I’m listing like an all-star cable TV shows from 1999 list, with this and Iron Chef. Louie Theroux was a writer for some fucking well-respected humor magazine that I can’t be bothered to remember, and he’s some sort of limey, which I’m always afraid to say “British” because the dude might be one of those very anti-British flavors like Scottish or Irish or Welsh or gay and get all angry and start on some long-winded rant that really I don’t care about. I was born in Virginia, growed in Virginia, and will die in Virginia. You, to me, are the American-style people from Europe that talk like Saturday night PBS sitcoms. And you have only three black people in your country, yet amazingly enough, Seal, Dizzee Rascal, and Lennox Lewis all became famous, but only in music and sports because you are inherently racist.
Anyways, Weird Weekend was a show where this Louie Theroux dude would immerse himself in some fringe culture, like southern rap or wrestling or UFO cults or muscle worshippers, and it was always really great fringe cultures that I was interested in. And Louie was so interested and innocent seeming, and he got away with asking questions normal reporter types wouldn’t because he did it with a British accent. Actually, now that I think about it, this show, although not over-the-top and trying to make fun of people, was a definite precursor to the whole Baron Sacha Cohen Borat/Bruno/Ali G thing, although it’s more obvious if you’ve seen the Ali G Show Ali G stuff than it is with Borat or Bruno. I haven’t actually watched Bruno, mostly because I doubt it could be as funny as the Borat movie, and the Borat movie wasn’t really as funny as the Ali G show, which was just as funny just in different ways than the British version of the show. (See what I did there? Hipster contrarian bylaws demand that the less someone has seen something, the better it must be, since I have seen it; and I trumped that with seeing the original British show, which are always superior because limey people aren’t expected to be pretty so they can let their humor fly without worrying about smiling handsomely in the process. Although, a word of warning, the British Ali G movie is maybe the worst piece of shit ever, and you should avoid that at all costs. Don’t even be like, “Hahaha, I’ve got to see this to see how bad it is now,” because it’s not bad in an enjoyable way, not even slightly.) And you could tell that Thieroux was geniunely interested too. It allowed the people he was asking questions at to let their guard down and let him inside their bizarre little corner of the world, which to them, was the Center of It All.
One time a guy gave me a DVD with some of these taken from torrents, but it was all screwy, like two episodes played on my actual DVD machine, and then I could watch parts of three other episodes on my Windows Media Player, but not more than like ten minutes, and then there were a bunch of other episodes that didn’t do anything except shoot time detonated cyber-cooties into my motherboard without me knowing or being able to stop it. That’s how the world works now. Remember how in old fighting The Man movies, some dude would say he was gonna take it down from the inside? The Man’s turned that around and is taking us all down from our insides. Silent weapons for quiet wars. Novus Orzo Decorum.
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