I probably should let Kanye slide for being a dumbass because how much can you expect from a guy whose mom died from complications related to completely unnecessary plastic surgery disasters? I'm sure the home life was a warped and misguided affair from jump, that helped create a kid with undeniable talents barely above mediocre that had a misunderstood genius complex from an early age, looking in the mirror at what he told hisself was the greatest ever, even though everybody was like, "hahaha." The misunderstood genius complex is one of the most dangerous psychological conditions when it comes to pop culture because the diseased thinks themself on another plane about everything, and this is cultivated and grows to the point that eventually, even if people like them, the dude can't be happy because the fans don't truly understand what's being done to truly like it for the right reasons. This is Kanye to the tee, thinking he's on some next level shit when really all it is is basic pop-oriented hip hop with a healthy V8 splash of eurotrashery hipsterism.
Allow me right quickly to get my old fool from old school red and black lumberjack with the hat to match tirade out the way about ghostwriting. I am of the belief you ain't shit if people ghostwrite your lyrics. Now I know this is a tired line of thought that is no longer accepted, as hip hop music has finally been completely turned into nothing more than a commercial industry by the old world overlords - a better term than "zionists" which conjures up anti-semitism accusations, and to be fair it's an old country club of jews and germans and brits and even blackfaces at this point, that turn music from something you do into something you hope people will buy. Kanye has benefitted almost entirely from ghostwriters throughout his career, as well as stupid sped up vocal samples that he probably bit off juke house DJs in his native Chicago anyways, so it's hard to have old school respect, and not because what he does is of questionable sexuality, but because it lacks the alpha male masculinity of doing it yourself. I don't mind gay music at all, so long as the person doing it is actually doing it.
(How many times have you seen somebody write "Kayne" instead of "Kanye"? If they had to make a dyslexia test, they should just tell people to write down the name of this guy with a picture of Kanye. When we used to do the Expert Whiteboy Analysis at dumpin.net, fucking Richard Dawson would never spell Kanye write, to the point I just stopped correcting because what the fuck, I wasn't getting paid to edit that 20,000 words a month bullshit.)
Also, I probably have never gotten over the truth that Kanye blew up off that "Through The Wire" song, which was a good enough sounding song, I won't deny, but was basically a dude being really overly melodramatic about breaking his jaw in a car wreck. Man, there's fake flower memorials along every other guard rail on the 15 miles back road ride from here to town. Fuck you and your broken ass jaw you self-important bitch. If you're some futuristic next level space age bullshit then the future sucks and aliens are assholes and I'm gonna apply "south will rise again" mentalities to the rest of the entire motherfuckin' universe.
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