I am very confident that even though it is the very tail end of August and I'm just throwing out the intro of the July J.J. Krupert and I have this self-mandated parameter of only one post per theme per day, that I will catch up to myself and what I listen to. One way I enforce this is I don't listen to as much music in the truck when I'm this far behind, so I'm stuck with AM sports radio or NPR, both of which become annoyingly repetitive and will make you crazy and/or misguided.
Meanwhile, at home, I take all the songs that are on my gaypod and create extensively massive playlists on the home computer Itunes and just play it, eliminating one of every two songs, to drum up play counts for the shit that's awesome and weed out the weak shit. This is complete ridiculousness in itself, but factor in my hand-me-down PC's internal fan is fucked (standard on that model apparently) so I have a house fan tilted sideways pointed at the back end of this thing, but a few big ass speakers I found running from the computer, including one with an immense bass factor. But the problem is if I play the Itunes and there's too much bass, something about that one speaker heating up underneath the desk overheats everything else and the computer crashes and I have to wait for it to cool down to restart it and it's all like, "Do you want me to scan for fucked up shit?" and I'm like, "Nah, it's all good, I know what happened," and it takes forever to start, with the little sliding Windows bar thing for loading getting stuck, then moving, then getting stuck, and you walk away from it all and eventually walk through the room and see the blue login screen and think, "Oh shit, the computer's back up. Let me look on Facebook." So you look on Facebook and there's nothing there but a bunch of dumb shit but you still look at it for about 45 minutes and then you should probably be going to bed but Family Guy is coming on, except it's an episode you've already seen too many times, so you try to beat your all-time high score on Wii Golf, and that last hole fucks you up yet again, so you just go to bed. And tomorrow you wake up and waste that one too and that's one day closer until they carve your name in a goddamned piece of stone and a bunch of people come around reminiscing and shit.
But I will catch up. Perhaps by the end of September, I will actually be doing a September list, and then that would mean hopefully by October I could be caught up, just in time to start listening to outlaw country like I always do once it gets cold and I have to cut wood all the goddamned time on Sunday mornings and then root for a shitty Washington Redskins team on Sunday afternoons. These are patterns in my life, ripples that make the same circle unless they bounce off of something else completely in the way, and even then the pattern is only altered directionally, not stopped.
But yes, we shall start talking about the musics I were pumping in the month of July. It was a hot month, and it was boring. I didn't do much as far as I can remember. Bought some chickens and beat on some dogs that killed some chickens. I kept the grass cut better than most years, mostly because we haven't had much rain so it hasn't grown. Still though, that's something.
Look, it's a full moon and the silhouette of my house against the skyline is tight looking. I'm sitting at the picnic table in the back yard at like midnight typing a bunch of gibberish. I really should just shut the top of this laptop to kill the self-imposed HAARP beams, smoke a bowl, and stare at the silhouette of the house holding my family and my life together into one unit, and be about to fall out on the picnic table, but it's kinda cool tonight, so I'd be afraid to just sleep, being I'm naked as well, so I'll go inside, rinse my feet off in the shower, and go to bed, thinking me and the ol' lady might get something going. But she'll be asleep and I'll be too tired to have to break through her "we have three kids and there's too much to do all the time" defense mechanisms and I'll make sure the alarm is set for the wrong time a little too late and I'll turn it to face the wall so that bright green false aura doesn't blind me in my sleep and cause me to grow breasts before I hit puberty, and I'll sleep an uncomfortable and dreamless sleep that rests me just enough to get me through another tomorrow. If it ain't broke, why fix it?
FIRST UP: Wacky island nonsense from decades ago, once again thanks to Dave Quam!
Dell Inspiron 1100 series? I have one of those and it's constantly overheating. Mine is propped up on a stack of tiles and when my fingers start getting hot I have to turn on a hand held mini fan and cool the computer off before it crashes...
nah HP Pavilion Slimline but yeah same thing. stupid computers.
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