With Halloween being this Sunday, it has been physically impossible for me to not constantly walk around and go in my brain, “This year, Halloween fell on a weekend… me and my daughters was trick or treating… filling up our plastic bags… till corn syrup got inside our ass… this corn syrup be give us diabete (you have to drop the “s” for it to rhyme right)… now that’s the type of shit I be seeing in my sleep…” and so on and so forth, turning the Geto Boys scary ass song into a bullshit freestyle about how we are all killing ourselves slowly with poor nutrition. And then usually I think how gay it is to do that so I freestyle about killing everybody on earth for about ten minutes, until I get worried that my dad and uncle who are both dead in tragically southern ways are actually looking down from heaven or hell or whatever and see me doing all this, and that makes me feel embarrassed, so I stop. At that point, I hit skip on the gaypod until a David Allan Coe song comes on and I sing it really loud, figuring that’ll calm them down if they are watching, and by the end they’ll probably be gone, so at that point, I can listen to whatever.
This track is taken from the Best of Rap-a-Lot Screwed and Chopped by OG Ron C or Greatest Hits of Rap-a-Lot or something, but it is the best fucking shit ever. If you do not know how great Rap-a-Lot Records is, well, I feel sorry for you bucko. They once had a midget white rapper named Bar Nunn, plus a blind DJ in one group. I can honestly say the only regret I have for Rap-a-Lot Records is that they never signed The Dayton Family to a deal. I know they kept it Texas, but damn, that would’ve been a good fit, like a mother’s teat in a baby’s mouth.
STEAL “Six Feet Deep”
NEXT UP: Yet another Boogie Brown instrumental because that’s all I listen to some nights!
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