A dude from the Digable Planets disappeared, moved to Seattle, read a lot of used books, percolated behind the scenes of whatever, then exploded back upon the cyber-earth with some good shit. I would've completely missed this greatness if it had not been for the hipping a few months back from the young homie C.T.'s Wigger Mortis tumblr (in the sidebar). Tumblrs are some next shit, allegedly, and I had one set up briefly, but they are a clusterfuck of C&Ping from elsewhere, and then now everyone can ask everyone questions, but none of the answers are very entertaining, so it's like this intense fabric of MSG mind content. Not C.T.'s thing though - he's one of the good ones.
I do not know what Shabazz Palaces' ultimate goal is, and most of their songs have real long and oddball titles like this one, which is a plus in my opinion. I have to admit, I do not like nor respect Digable Planets as much as I am supposed to as an open-minded musically inclined solid dude raised in the '80s, grown in the '90s, and struggling through the 21st century's rapidly wilding out tricknologies. They seemed so whispery to me, and I absolutely cannot stand whisper rappers. I can't stand whispering period. It plucks at something deep inside my brain from lifetimes ago, and seriously, fills me with an intense rage that would rather die than listen. Like if I'm ever in some situation where me and someone else is hiding from futuristic murderous robots, and they are walking all around nearby and have ultrasonic hearing anyways, and the person I am with was all, "hey raven whisper whisper whisper," I would probably prefer just jumping up and getting murdered by the robots. And to rhythmically pattern words together in a whisper sound as a form of musical expression? Oh man, pure torture.
I don't know which one of the Digable Planets the Shabazz Palaces dude is, but he's not the most whispery one. Shabazz Palaces is not hard in the paint yelling music, but it's forceful, more like homeless dudes who can play chess real good in public parks than slam dunking ass young folks music. I imagine Shabazz Palaces would test well with Blackalicious fans, though the vibe of the music is far more laid back and won't eventually make you feel crazy like a Coltrane album is skipping in the apartment next door for two hours straight (which is what Blackalicious does to me).
In case you didn't know, about 66 trillion years ago, some dude blew up the planet Earth, and that's how the moon sheared off into an orbiting body. On earth, the human people split up into 13 tribes, all led by scientists. Shabazz was a scientist who thought folks should roll into that area around the Nile that is considered one of the early birthplaces of high civilization (although those historical accounts are far shorter than 66 trillion years... more like 6000 years ago), but the other tribes didn't want to go. Part of that tribe, led by Shabazz himself, wandered deep into central Africa, to conquer the jungle beasts and become master of survivalism. The Nile Valley people all had soft skin and straight hair, but this branch that followed Shabazz into the jungle, the hard life and raw foods gave them a more stereotypical negroid appearance.
Meanwhile, back in Mecca, another scientist named Yakub bred out the fairer features of the original Tribe of Shabazz to genetically engineer "white" people. According to most Nation of Islam type belief systems, these people have devil DNA. However, I'm here to tell you, going back to original teachings, any man is a scientist and has that original DNA that goes back to 66 trillion years ago. And modern man's so-called sciences suggest things have to be proven in controlled clinical environments. But true science can be deduced, without all that sterile tomfoolery to put polysyllabic published papers behind it. I am a scientist because I sit on a tree stump beside pigs and meditate towards the sun's path across the sky. I can feel the original DNA inside of me at times, though usually it gets clouded up with my current worldly emotions and concerns. And really, the cultural desires of the original Shabazz are no different than Appalachian survivalists or Montana freemen. In fact, the "hillbilly" people are a people who are enlightened beyond knowing it, sort of a Taoist uncarved block that never consciously had to realize it was carved and then uncarved. The peak of the Tribe of Shabazz was around 4000 BC, when there were pyramids in multiple areas of the earth. Those pyramids are calling cards to whatever remnants of the other 12 tribes that actually escaped earth rather than dying out, which no one has ever been completely sure about. That's why we have all the spaceship/pyramids connections in our world.
But a mountain is a naturally occurring pyramid, without all the psychic clutter of too much "civilization" which is often polluted by unrighteous people. So hill people are simply modern equivalents to the group Shabazz led into the wilds of central Africa, just with the added benefit of a wild pyramid in their life, without knowing it. Because of this, some have actually started to take on the darker characteristics of their genetic ancestors, it being pulled back out of them as they live lives steeped in the spiritual peak of the human existence, but without the organized clutter of humans actively building something. It is this small group of hill people who became darker due to recalling their existence that pre-dates our current ideas of homo-sapien existence that have become known as the Melungeons. From this sub-tribe should come an individual who will lead us through what has been referred to as The End Times of December 2012. That is not actual end times, like everything stops existing. That's just when the full fall of our current stage of human existence, economic and cultural, that's been brewing for years in America with the housing bubble burst and recession that wasn't a recession but then is over but ain't over, that has led to governments falling in the Middle East in recent months, it's all part of the extreme cultural changes we'll be experiencing drastically very soon. It doesn't mean the end of the world like it blows up; it means the end of the world as you are comfortable.
Shabazz's lessons, to wander into the wild to make yourself harder in order to survive, it is a lesson that still applies. We should all take it to heart. No amount of five-gallon buckets full of soybeans that you've stored under your house, and no amount of weapons caches, and no hidden acreages are gonna outlast these coming changes. Simple physical supplements will not survive it. We have to change our psychology completely, or else we will perish. That is not meant to be scary. In fact, I find it exciting. One man's end of it all is another man's (namely this man's) brand new beginning. It is (another) rebirth for Man.
STEAL "32 leaves dipped in blackness..."
NEXT: Speaking of hillbillies!
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