Yeah, I get "Low Down". That's where I'm at. I'm sick of the holding pattern, sick of finding brief joys in the day through warbly headphone sessions sitting by my pigs, sick of the stagnancy. I will be glad when I am healed and back amongst the world and letting visual things feed my soul again. I'm stuck in a deep holding pattern, have watched more TV in the past month than I probably have in 10 years, and have not done certain normal things. The goddamned battery on my truck is dead because a light got left on in it because I'm not the one doing the things I need to be doing. It is a frustrating and impotent position I am stuck in, and I do not like it. I am alpha, I am omega, I am not whatever all the fuck all those other letters in whatever fake ancient alien alphabet that's from. I am the beginning and the end and all this dicking around in the middle is really getting on my nerves.
STEAL "Low Down"
NEXT: An old-timey song that sounds like Emmett Otter might sang it!
Id like to come over and get drunk.
Damn dude, how bad did you whang your domepiece? Must have been pretty serious to put you on the shelf for so long.
to type it out like a grateful dead set list: cranial whiplash->emergency appendectomy (hospital trip #1)->surgical infection (trip #2)-> expansion of surgical infection (longest trip #3)
that last one is still playing out, what was a 3 inch deep opening in my abdomen stuffed with gauze and oozing blood and pus is now just under a 2 inch deep hole in my abdomen stuffed with gauze not oozing pus barely oozing blood and hopefully closed the fuck up by the second saturday of march. luckily the end result will look like a bullet hole scar though.
Raven's being hunted by invisible Predators, but I have faith in him and believe that he will overcome them in the end like Arnold did.
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